ISO 22301 Transition Reminder - Business Continuity
30 September 2021
As you may have seen in our recent news, NQA proudly received UKAS accreditation for ISO 22301:2019.
This newly gained achievement neatly coincides with the transition from ISO 22301:2012 to ISO 22301:2019.
ISO 22301:2019 "Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems - Requirements" was released in October 2019 and is set to replace ISO 22301:2012 via a three plus-year transition period. All organizations that wish to remain certified to ISO 22301 will need to transition to the 2019 revision of the standard within the set transition period which now ends in April 2023.
It is NQA’s goal to maintain a straightforward transition approach that is easy for all of our clients to apply, along with the guidance and tools to make the transition from ISO 22301:2012 to ISO 22301:2019 as smooth as possible.
The overall allowable transition period was originally three years (i.e. from October 2019 through October 31, 2022); but that transition period has since been extended by six months due to the COVID pandemic. As such, the current transition period is from October 2019 through April 30, 2023.
You can see the transition timeline below:

As of October 31st 2021, all certification bodies must cease conducting initial and recertification audits to the old version. This means that from the end of October, we’ll only issue 2019 certificates.
Anyone still needing to transition from the old standard to the new must do so by January 31st 2023 in order to keep valid certification.
For more information regarding the changes to the standard please click here or get in touch to speak to a member of the team.

ISO 22301:2019 "Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems - Requirements" was released in October 2019 and is set to replace ISO 22301:2012 via a three plus-year transition period. All organizations that wish to remain certified to ISO 22301 will need to transition to the 2019 revision of the standard within the set transition period which now ends in April 2023.
It is NQA’s goal to maintain a straightforward transition approach that is easy for all of our clients to apply, along with the guidance and tools to make the transition from ISO 22301:2012 to ISO 22301:2019 as smooth as possible.
The overall allowable transition period was originally three years (i.e. from October 2019 through October 31, 2022); but that transition period has since been extended by six months due to the COVID pandemic. As such, the current transition period is from October 2019 through April 30, 2023.
You can see the transition timeline below:
As of October 31st 2021, all certification bodies must cease conducting initial and recertification audits to the old version. This means that from the end of October, we’ll only issue 2019 certificates.
Anyone still needing to transition from the old standard to the new must do so by January 31st 2023 in order to keep valid certification.
For more information regarding the changes to the standard please click here or get in touch to speak to a member of the team.