Mind the gap (analysis) for ISO 27001:2022
07 July 2023
Watch NQA’s experts, James Keenan and David Nutbrown, discuss the NQA Gap Analysis and its essential role in the ISO 27001:2022 (Information Security) transition.
Struggling to prepare for the ISO 27001:2022 transition? Come to our free webinar about the NQA Gap Analysis – and how to complete it before your transition audit.
Need the presentation slides as well? Download them (.PDF format) here.
The video (originally a webinar on 7th July) covers:
An overview of the NQA Gap Guide and Gap Analysis
How to complete the NQA Gap Analysis before your transition audit
Draft examples of completed ISO 27001:2022 gap analyses
PLUS: an interactive Q&A session
Who is the video for?
UK organisations / non-UK organisations (ISO 27001 is a global standard)
Existing / potential NQA clients with ISO 27001:2013 currently
Organisations looking to gain ISO 27001 accreditation
Enjoy watching our gap analysis video – and feel more ready than ever for the ISO 27001:2022 transition.