ISO 27001 – is your head in the clouds?
Cloud technology has taken the world by storm, letting organisations expand and streamline operations like never before. However, with the cloud comes a new type of security threat.
Watch NQA’s experts, James Keenan and David Nutbrown, discuss the hot topic of cloud security in relation to ISO 27001 (Information Security).
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What does this video (originally a webinar on 26th May) cover?
The expectations of cloud security
Any issues and opportunities to look out for
Useful tips to keep your information secure
PLUS: an interactive Q&A session
Who is the video for?
UK organisations / non-UK organisations (ISO 27001 is a global standard)
Existing / potential NQA clients considering ISO 27001
Existing NQA clients looking to improve their ISO 27001 management system
Organisations that use cloud technology in day-to-day operations
Take advantage of cloud technology today – with a robust information security management system by your side.