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Home Resources Blog April 2020

Looking Forward - Life After The Pandemic

01 April 2020
The current state of the world is like something written in a Hollywood screenplay. No one expected that within a couple of months a large portion of the global economy would be on pause.

There is a new sense of normal sweeping the country with people having to get used to working remotely and altering their processes to align with this. Companies are closing their doors and thousands of unemployment cases are being processed daily.

It is not what has happened but what will happen and how we act moving forward that is so important to how our organizations pull through. It will take time but we will see an end to this outbreak. Life will stabilize once again and society will go back to eating out, shopping and working.

So I ask you... What are you learning from this event?

How will your business operate differently post Covid 19? How will you deal with it knowing what you know now?

There is one standard that you might want to consider in order to further protect your business in the future...

ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management System

A good first step to being prepared for another disruptive event is by implementing a management system. ISO 22301:2012 was first published with the sole purpose of helping an organization reduce the likelihood of an adverse occurrence, being prepared for a major event that could disrupt business and developing a robust response system and recovery plan when an incident arises.

ISO 22301 specifies the requirement to;

  • Plan
  • Establish    
  • Implement
  • Operate
  • Monitor
  • Review
  • Maintain
  • Continually Improve Your Document Management System

If you are ISO 9001:2015 certified most of the above requirements may seem familiar. The fact is it will not be IF a business altering event will take place but WHEN.

NQA's main aim is to provide all of the knowledge you and your organization need to ensure you can continue to make informed, strategic decisions that will protect your business.

Being prepared could mean the difference between proactive and reactive. The staff at NQA wishes you all the best. Please stay safe over the coming months.