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NQA's Pledge to Net Zero

29 7월 2022
NQA Certification Ltd are proud to announce our commitment to a more sustainable future by signing the carbon commitment Pledge to Net Zero.

Pledge to Net Zero is a promise requiring signatories (UK businesses) to agree to science-based targets for their carbon emissions in order to meet the UK’s 2050 Net Zero target. It requires organisations to take action to reduce their carbon emissions and publicly report progress each year.

We consider the UNSDG’s (United Nations Sustainability Development Goals) as the foundation of global sustainability issues and take inspiration from this when planning and implementing action. Whilst each goal plays a crucial part within our wider community, we believe our most fundamental and relevant goals which we can best act on are:

  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

  • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

  • Goal 13: Climate Action

Signing the Pledge to Net Zero encourages us to take further Environmental, Social and Governance actions in order to fulfil our promise and support our role in Climate Action.

NQA’s Commercial and Customer Experience Director, Laura Fletcher, comments:By becoming a signatory on the Pledge to Net Zero, NQA stride forward in our commitment to reduce our carbon emissions and become a net zero organisation well before the UK’s 2050 target. Our recent achievement of becoming a carbon neutral organisation is a big step towards this, however we recognise that that is just the beginning of our sustainability journey.

By signing the pledge, NQA have committed to:

  1. Set and commit to deliver a greenhouse gas target in line with either a 1.5°C (encouraged) or well below 2°C climate change scenario – covering buildings and travel as a minimum.

  2. Publicly report greenhouse gas emissions and progress against this target each year.

  3. Publish one piece of research/thought-leadership each year on practical steps to delivering an economy in line with climate science and in support of net zero carbon. Alternatively, signatories may choose to provide mentoring and support for smaller signatory companies in setting targets, reporting and meeting the requirements of the pledge.

The Pledge to Net Zero was developed by the environmental sector in order to establish leadership in taking action on climate change. We hope that by signing this pledge, it encourages other organisations in our sector to take similar action.

You can find out more about Pledge to Net Zero here.