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Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard

ISO/IEC 20243:2018 (O-TTPS)

What is the O-TTPS?

As the digital world becomes an integral part of every business, their products and services become even more vulnerable to threats. These include data corruption, malicious cyber-attacks, tainted products, counterfeiting and intellectual property theft, to name a few.

Your clients and customers need reassurance that your business is at the forefront of cybersecurity, protecting not only your business but the data and integrity of theirs.

Why the O-TTPS?

When you achieve the Open Group’s Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS,) you mark your company out as a Trusted Technology Provider – an internationally recognized title that improves trust and can win you more business.

Global recognition

The O-TTPS, supported by the Open Group Trusted Technology Forum (OTTF,) is a worldwide initiative that invites industry, government, and other interested participants to work together to evolve this standard.

Also known as ISO/IEC 20243:2018, parts 1 and 2, the O-TTPS is a standard that provides a set of recommendations and requirements that providers of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Information and Communication Technology (COTS-ICT) services can be assessed. 

By gaining this certification, a business assures their customers of their continuous vigilance and dedication to a secure supply chain through the entire product lifecycle. The intent is to minimize risks of tainted and counterfeit products that affect productivity, availability, security, and reputation.


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Why it's different:

The O-TTPS Open Group standard includes best practices in all phases of a product’s lifecycle. This includes design, sourcing, build, fulfilment, distribution, sustainment, and disposal.

This is different from other standards, as it focuses on processes and procedures that provide supply chain security. Other international standards target information and cybersecurity practices at the management system, or product and system level.

With such a comprehensive approach, it enhances the integrity of COTS ICT products and the security of their global supply chain.

Why should my business get certified?

The COTS-ICT supply chain is fraught with pitfalls. Organizations that are certified to the O-TTPS demonstrate that they can be trusted to manage their supply chain to the highest possible standards.

The O-TTPS assures integrity in technology development and helps prevent maliciously tainted and counterfeit products from entering the supply chain.

It is the only internationally recognized standard with an established certification program, offering you greater opportunities and setting you apart from your competitors.

Contact Us

Where do I start?

You have already taken the first step, because you're here.

Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve O-TTPS certification.
We provide the following services to guide you to your Open Group certification:

Pre-assessment assistance and determining scope
Completion of the ISCA
Third-party O-TTPS assessment
Self-assessment expertise


Nous vous indiquerons clairement les coûts liés à l'obtention et au maintien de la certification.
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