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Quality Management

TL 9000

TL 9000 defines the QMS requirements for design, development, production and service provision for the Information and ICT industry.

What is TL 9000?

TL 9000 defines the quality management system (QMS) requirements for design, development, production and service provision for the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) industry.

The TL 9000 standard was developed by and for the ICT industry in 1999 to drive consistency in the quality of products and services down the supply chain through the implementation of a common body of QMS requirements (built on top of ISO 9001) and defined performance-based measurements.

The expected benefits include improved organizational performance, overall cost reduction, increased competitiveness, enhanced customer-organization-supplier relationships, and continual improvement of products and services.

Vous aide avec:

  • Aligning with ICT industry peers
  • Enhancing organizational planning and management
  • Improving overall process performance and control
  • Strengthening organization’s customer and supplier relationships
  • Reducing the number of external audits and site visits
  • Free benchmarking! 

Benefits of Gaining Certification

Capacité d’obtenir davantage de contrats icon

Capacité d’obtenir davantage de contrats

Les spécifications d’achat exigent souvent la certification comme condition préalable à l’approvisionnement, alors la certification ouvre les portes.

Satisfaction du client icon

Satisfaction du client

Fournissez des produits qui répondent systématiquement aux exigences des clients et un service qui est fiable sur lequel on peut compter.

Amélioration des relations avec les intervenants icon

Amélioration des relations avec les intervenants

Améliorez la perception de votre organisation auprès du personnel, des clients et des fournisseurs.

Conformité légale icon

Conformité légale

Comprenez l'impact des exigences légales et réglementaires sur votre organisation et ses clients.

Références professionnelles éprouvées icon

Références professionnelles éprouvées

Une vérification indépendante par rapport à une norme industrielle mondialement reconnue en dit long.

Coûts d'exploitation réduits icon

Coûts d'exploitation réduits

L’amélioration continue des processus et l’efficacité opérationnelle qui en résulte signifient une économie d’argent.

Meilleure gestion des risques icon

Meilleure gestion des risques

Une plus grande cohérence et traçabilité des produits et services signifie que les problèmes sont plus faciles à éviter et à résoudre.

More about TL 9000 certification

The TL 9000 QMS standard is a product of the Business Performance community of TIA (the Telecommunications Industry Association). It has two parts, defined in two handbooks: the Requirements Handbook (RHB) and the Measurements Handbook (MHB).

The RHB defines TL 9000 requirements which are additional to those contained in ISO 9001. (In the current TL 9000:2016 (R6) revision, there are 84 additional requirements or “adders”.) The MHB defines customer-relevant, performance-based measurements which all TL-certified organizations must calculate and report monthly.

While many of the adders and measurements are applicable to any organization within the ICT supply chain, others are specific to producers of hardware or software products, or to providers of any of a range of services (such as procurement, installation, call center support or contract manufacturing).

Organizations registering for TL 9000 select one or more of these three options—hardware, software, and/or service—and identify specific product and service categories which match their offerings. These selections then define which of TL 9000’s requirements must be addressed by the QMS, and which measurements must be submitted.

TL 9000:2016 (R6)

TL 9000:2016 (R6), the current revision of the standard, was published in July 2016. It became effective on September 15, 2016, and supersedes the previous release, RHB R5.5, as of September 15, 2018. 

RHB R6.0 inherits the significant changes made in ISO 9001:2015, including the common ten-section structure and wording provided by Annex SL.

Thanks to Annex SL, TL 9000:2016 is more compatible with other management system standards, such as ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO/IEC 27001, facilitating the integration of management systems.

Two new TL 9000 adders in R6 touch on the internal audit program and sustainability assessment.

The current revision of the Measurements Handbook (which evolves independently of the Requirements Handbook) is MHB R5.5. Copies of both Handbooks, along with a wealth of TL 9000 resources, are available from the tl9000.org website.

Keep up with the changing ICT landscape

Today’s ICT operating environment magnifies the importance of quality, with its increased emphasis on sustainability, benchmarking, and positioning for next generation technologies and applications.

Competition is increasing; technologies are converging and transforming; and the resulting complexity is without precedent. TL 9000 provides value and benefits across all supply chain and reliability disciplines by providing a consistent set of quality expectations that help organizations keep up with rapid technology changes and heightened customer expectations.

Why NQA should be your choice

With a wealth of experience providing accredited management systems certifications, NQA is ideally placed to partner with you to help you to meet customer requirements and to exceed industry expectations. NQA is one of the top half-dozen TL 9000 certification bodies worldwide, supporting close to fifty organizations in their continuing TL journeys.
Technical committees and industry relationships. NQA is highly involved in a wide variety of industry committees and standards writing teams, helping us to maintain up-to-the-minute awareness of changes within this industry.  Our TL 9000 experts are longstanding and continuously active participants in TIA’s Business Performance community and its key work groups.
Knowledge transfer supporting your organizational strategy. NQA is committed to ensuring customer awareness regarding changes in industry strategy, regulations, and standard requirements that may impact your management system approach.  Our knowledgeable, experienced and personable staff includes industry experts, published SMEs, and active TIA participants.

“You both were excellent on the audits and your bedside manner with the folks you interviewed. I appreciate working with pro's... Sanmina P20 will be much better due to your efforts.” Wayne Simmons, Sanmina Quality Manager

"As always, we appreciate your thoroughness and your deep knowledge of the TL 9000 standard." Tom Liu, Director of Delivery Programs at BroadSoft, Inc. 

Étapes de la certification

  1. Étape 1

    Vous devrez remplir un formulaire de demande afin que NQA comprenne votre entreprise et vos exigences. Vous pouvez le faire en remplissant soit le devis rapide en ligne ou le formulaire de demande de devis en ligne. Nous utiliserons ces informations pour définir avec précision la portée de l'évaluation et vous fournir une proposition de certification.

  2. Étape 2

    Une fois que vous avez accepté votre proposition, vos évaluations seront réservées auprès d'un évaluateur de la NQA. Cette évaluation se compose de deux visites obligatoires qui forment l'audit initial de certification. Veuillez noter que vous devez être en mesure de démontrer que votre système de gestion a été pleinement opérationnel pendant un minimum de trois mois et a fait l'objet d'une revue de gestion et d'un cycle complet d'audits internes.

  3. Étape 3

    Après un audit réussi en deux étapes, une décision de certification est prise et si elle est positive, la certification selon les normes requises est délivrée par NQA. Vous recevrez une copie papier et électronique de la certification. La certification est valide pour trois ans et est maintenue par un programme d'audits de surveillance annuels et un audit de recertification tous les trois ans.

Prêt à commencer votre voyage?

Nous vous indiquerons clairement les coûts liés à l'obtention et au maintien de la certification.
Pas encore prêt? Appelez-nous au (514) 845 1414 ou demandez un rappel pour discuter de vos exigences en matière de certification.