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APG Case Study

26 oktober 2023
Meet Australia Post Global eCommerce Solutions (APG). Global end-to-end logistics and delivery solutions provider, and flagship NQA client for ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility).

What APG is all about

Since their formation in 2016, Australia Post Global eCommerce Solutions (APG) has gone from strength to strength.

The company provides end-to-end logistics and delivery solutions on an international scale, with:

  • An established presence in key eCommerce regions (APAC, UK, Europe and North America).

  • Strong partnerships with postal operators and best-in-class local delivery companies.

  • eCommerce solutions backed by the latest flexible and cutting-edge technology.

  • A real zest for providing what customers want and value – and, above all else, deserve.

Explore APG’s journey into ISO certification and the direction taken for sustainability in 2023.

4 (and now 5) ISO standards under APG’s belt

ISO standards have played a significant role in APG’s day-to-day operations since 2018.

In the space of one month – December 2018 – the company achieved an impressive:

In 2023, APG achieved another milestone as our flagship client for ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility).

Sustainability at the heart of APG

APG places sustainability as the priority in everything they do.

The company’s three pillars – prosperity, people and planet – form APG’s business strategies. These pillars also align with ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility), a framework implemented by APG and assessed by NQA in June 2023.

NQA chosen as the third-party certification body? Check. Next step: prepare for the assessment.

Why APG chose NQA over other certification bodies

“NQA appealed to APG due to their international reach, working with both smaller businesses and multinationals. [It] aligned well with our vision to secure accreditations to certify our highest compliance across our internal systems with a professional body that is known globally.

Working with NQA has enabled us to grow our global reach through securing trusted, recognised certifications to share with our [international] customer portfolio.”

An insight into ISO 26000 assessment preparation

ISO-certified since 2018, APG knew what preparing for an additional ISO standard – ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) – would look like.

APG’s senior leadership created a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team and worked alongside consultancy Qualis Control Systems throughout.

Qualis Control Systems was vital in helping APG achieve ISO 26000. The reputable consultancy guided APG through challenges, the most prominent being identifying issues in ISO 26000 that:

  • Were relevant to APG’s typical operations;

  • APG had some level of control/influence over.

To overcome this obstacle, APG carried out a stakeholder review. The review allowed the company to finalise and focus on the key areas – and, in turn, feel confident about the ISO 26000 assessment.

The upcoming assessment was a first for NQA, with APG acting as our flagship client for ISO 26000.

Going the extra mile with NQA e-learning

APG enrolled their implementation team on NQA’s self-paced ISO 26000 Introduction E-learning.

“The course gave everyone […] an understanding of the aims of ISO 26000, a good grounding in the core principles and how the guidelines link to the UN [Sustainable Development Goals].”

From London to Singapore: the ISO 26000 assessment

Richard Walsh, NQA’s Principal Assessor for Environment & Energy, took the lead for APG’s ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) assessment.

Stage 1: London, UK (May 2023)

Following pre-assessment communications, NQA met with APG’s senior team at their London office.

The visit allowed NQA to:

  • Delve into the company’s CSR issues (including the approach to deciding them).

  • Highlight any areas of concern, confirm documents in place, and plan for stage 2.

Stage 1 also allowed APG to see how the ISO 26000 assessment would pan out.

Stage 2: Singapore and remote (June 2023)

The second part of the assessment involved APG’s CEO in Singapore and the project team members.

Over the course of several remote interviews, APG and NQA discussed:

  • The company’s sustainability initiatives and objectives.

  • How APG had applied the guidance in each ISO 26000 clause.

Following the assessment, NQA shared the news that APG would receive an opinion statement for ISO 26000.

The opinion statement confirmed that APG had implemented and abided by ISO 26000 guidance.

Expanding the APG sustainability agenda

The positive outcome from their ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) assessment has given APG extra credibility.

APG’s sustainability efforts don’t stop there, with plans for the future including:

  • Publishing sustainability reports that align with ISO 26000 and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

  • Encouraging supply chain partners to seriously consider ISO 26000 in their ESG/CSR strategies.

  • Further exploring customers’ sustainability priorities and initiatives their supply chain is involved in.

APG’s success with ISO 26000 highlights their commitment to the business, planet and people.

Final thoughts from NQA

A huge well done to APG, both for their previous ISO achievements and this more recent award.

With APG as our first client for ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility), we look forward to helping more businesses reach their sustainability goals in 2024 and beyond!

Find out how NQA can support your sustainability ambitions by speaking to a friendly expert.

Thinking of adding an ISO stamp of approval to your business? Visit our ISO certifications page.

Download a PDF version of APG's case study here.