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Health & Safety Policy

As a leading Certification Body, NQA adopts a dynamic approach to occupational health and safety management as part of the pro-active strategy within the business, which is of the highest priority commensurate with the businesses objectives.

  • NQA complies with its legal duties, codes of practise and other agreed conditions of operation in order to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and other people affected by the company’s activities. Where possible and practicable the company will exceed the minimum requirements of applicable legislation.

  • The Company is committed to the prevention of injury and ill health, the minimisation of risk and the continual improvement of its management systems through audit and the monitoring of occupational Health and Safely performance.

  • The Health & Safety Management system will be reviewed, maintained and communicated through internal meeting structures.

  • Monitoring arrangements provide information to indicate progress towards our objectives. The Policy and the operation of our management system will be reviewed at least annually in accordance with the business management system. This review will take account of changes, audit results, new technology and best management practice.

  • Hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures will be used to ensure that employees, other contractors, occupiers of premises and members of the public do not have their health and safety adversely affected by work operations.

  • The Managing Director is, with the support of the Directors and Senior Managers, ultimately responsible for implementation of this Policy and for the provision of resources and access to competent health and safety advice.

  • Line Managers are responsible for the management of safety in their area of operations including two-way communication, training for competence, instruction, control and systematic site monitoring by the SHEQ teams.

  • Each employee has responsibility for their own safety and the health and safety of their colleagues and other persons in and around the workplace. Employees are provided with adequate supervision, training, information, instruction and equipment to adopt safe working methods and work competently.

  • NQA will consult with employees and other interested parties to ensure that this policy and the arrangements for health and safety are kept relevant and effective.

We are committed to ensuring this policy is effectively implemented.

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