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The Regulations Relating to Registration define the contract between NQA and its clients outlining:

  • key elements of the certification service
  • payment terms and charges
  • complaints and appeals process

The Regulations take account of specific criteria of NQA's accreditors including the provision of a complaints procedure and appeals process. 

Download important documents

If you have any questions regarding our Regulations Relating to Registration, please direct your question here.

Process for dispute of non conformances

Periodically, NQA clients have disputes and issues with audit non conformances. NQA USA has a process to review and process disputes of audit findings which typically includes:

  • Company documenting their issues with the findings and including the reasons why they think the auditor’s findings/conclusion were not based on all available evidence

  • Company will forward the documentation to the NQA Quality Systems Director(QSD) for review

  • If necessary, the QSD will discuss the issues with the client and auditor and determine if additional evidence/corrective action is necessary.

  • The investigation will conclude when a mutually agreeable solution is reached.

Policy on appeals

In more complex situations where issues cannot be resolved, the matter is processed for an appeals hearing. Any person with an interest in the NQA certification process including all clients of NQA, USA has the right to appeal against any decision made by NQA at any stage of the registration process.

NQA, USA maintains a documented process for handling appeals which utilizes the Independent Certification Board, an independent body established to oversee the integrity, impartiality and quality of the NQA certification process. In these situations, the ICB establishes an appeals committee that rules on the appeal. Further details may be obtained within the Regulations Relating to Registration.

Policy on complaints

​NQA, USA maintains a process for receiving, evaluating, and making decisions on complaints. Upon receipt of the complaint, NQA, USA confirms whether the complaint relates to its certification activities or relates to the activities of a certified client.  Complaints received against clients of NQA, USA would normally include an investigation whereby the client is to be informed of the complaint and is to be sent copies of all relevant correspondence with a request that appropriate action be taken by the client.  

The complaints handling process includes methods for recording, tracking, validating, investigating, and deciding what actions should be taken in response to the issue. Whenever possible, NQA, USA shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint and shall provide feedback to the complainant on the progress and final outcome. This process shall be subject to requirements of confidentiality, as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint.

Certificate information

NQA maintains and makes publically accessible a directory of valid certifications. Please contact us to make an enquiry about specific certifications including validity, suspension or withdrawal.

Need help?

If you have any questions about the Regulations, Payment Terms of rules please contact us.