Consultation on Reducing Litter - Proportionate Enforcement
06 February 2018
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is currently seeking views on the proposals to update the Code of practice on Litter and Refuse and incorporate it into a new enforcement guidance to ensure the penalties for littering and related offences remain proportionate and effective.
This will apply to any authorities collecting litter within England that:
- are subject to duties covered in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to keep land and highways clear of litter and refuse;
- have powers to issue fixed penalty notices for littering and/or related offences;
DEFRA are seeking the views of anyone interested or involved in:
land management;
research groups and institutions interested in tackling anti-social behaviour;
environmental issues and/or the managing of litter, waste, graffiti, fly-posting and related offences.
When does this close: 8th June 2018.
To take part in this survey please follow the link here.