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Carbon Management in Buildings & Infrastructure

PAS 2080

PAS 2080 is an internationally recognised standard for carbon management in infrastructure.

PAS 2080: Carbon Management in Buildings & Infrastructure

What is PAS 2080?

The infrastructure sector is one of the largest contributors to climate change in the UK. In a bid to tackle this, PAS 2080 (Carbon Management in Buildings & Infrastructure) was developed to effectively manage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the infrastructure sector. The standard provides a common framework set out through requirements and guidance.

PAS 2080 encourages organisations at different work stages of an infrastructure project and programme to work collaboratively to manage the whole life cycle of carbon emissions. Requirements throughout the standard are broken down to all value chain members, as well as specific requirements for the individual roles, including:

  • Asset owners and managers
  • Designers
  • Constructors
  • Product and material suppliers

PAS 2080 was first published in 2016 and later revised to its current version in 2023. The main changes include an expanded scope to cover the built environment, as well as infrastructure, alignments with the 1.5-degree climate change scenario, and integration of the transition to net zero throughout.

Introduction to PAS 2080: What do you need to know?

Helps you with

Embarking on a journey towards PAS 2080 is not only a responsible choice but a strategic one for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. Some benefits include:

  • Improved efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Cost-saving opportunities through identified reductions in material, energy and labour.
  • Consistency within the industry and governance throughout the supply chain.
  • Recognition for environmental efforts and commitment.
  • Competitive advantage through an enhanced brand image and reputation.
  • Meeting tender, supply chain, and stakeholder expectations.

Is PAS 2080 Certification Right For Me?

Given its emphasis on life cycle carbon emissions, PAS 2080 should be applied to the entire supply chain. Those largely impacted include:

  • Organisations mandated to comply with National Highways requirements.
  • Asset owners and managers.
  • Architects and designers.
  • Product and material suppliers.
  • Regulators and financers.

What Are The Steps To Certification?

The certification process for PAS 2080 can be broken down into four simple steps:

  1. Prepare: It is important to understand the PAS 2080 standards and familiarise yourself with the requirements.
  2. Determine: Next, you need to establish a plan for implementing the standard, along with designated roles and responsibilities.
  3. Report: There are a number of clauses requiring you to 'document' or 'report' on your implementation and progress to conform to PAS 2080.
  4. Certify: NQA provide independent third-party certification; this is the most credible conformity route your business can opt for.

How Can NQA Help?

A certification body should provide value for your money. At NQA, we provide independent certification and can help guide you through the process to understand the requirements. We can also support your journey to carbon neutrality through training and skills development.

To learn more about PAS 2080 certification services, contact our team today!

Steps to Certification

  1. Step 1

    Complete a Quote Request Form so we can understand you and your business. We will then use this to personally prepare a proposal for your certification and define what is known as your 'scope of assessment'.

  2. Step 2

    We will then contact you to book your assessment with an NQA assessor. It consists of two mandatory visits that form the Initial Certification Audit. Please note that you must be able to demonstrate that your management system has been operational for a minimum of three months and has been subject to a management review and a full cycle of internal audits.

  3. Step 3

    Following a successful stage two audit, a decision is made. If positive, your certification will be issued by NQA, with both a hard and soft copy of the certificate awarded. Certification is valid for three years and maintained through surveillance audits (years one and two) and a recertification audit in year three.

See more details

PAS 2080 Toolkit

PAS 2080:2023 Factsheet

PAS 2080:2023 Quote Request Form

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