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NQA USA Receives 340 Club Award

13 February 2017
On January 31st, 2017, QuEST Forum CEO Fraser Pajak presented NQA (National Quality Assurance) with a 340 Club award for 2016. 

On Tuesday evening, January 31st, 2017, QuEST Forum CEO Fraser Pajak presented NQA (National Quality Assurance) with a 340 Club award for 2016. TL 9000 Program Manager Rick Hill accepted the award on behalf of NQA USA.

The 340 Club award is given annually for “exceptional participation” in QuEST Forum activities, and it was the first time that NQA had earned the award. It was presented at the Recognition Reception at QuEST Forum’s Leadership Summit in Plano TX.

QuEST Forum is a global association, formed in 1998 to pursue and achieve a goal of global ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) quality and industry-wide performance excellence.

Through the implementation of a common set of quality requirements (the TL 9000 standard), the collaborative activities of its global Work Groups, an emphasis on industry best practices, and the delivery of a leading-edge measurement system, QuEST Forum advances the quality, reliability, and performance of ICT products and services around the world.

These activities are largely driven through the efforts of volunteers from QuEST Forum member companies, which include leading telecom service providers, OEMs and other suppliers, and certification bodies such as NQA. A company earns points for participation by its staff members in activities such as Work Group meetings, Leadership Summits and conferences. When a company’s annual point total passes the 340 mark, it becomes a member of the 340 Club and earns a 340 Club award for that year. NQA was one of only 25 340 Club members for 2016 (out of a total QuEST Forum membership of over 175).

Leigh Ann Perkins, Manager, Membership & Administration, congratulated NQA, saying, “National Quality Assurance has exhibited exceptional participation in QuEST Forum’s activities for 2016.” She added, “QuEST Forum greatly appreciates National Quality Assurance’s continued commitment and dedication to QuEST Forum.”

About NQA

NQA is a leading global independently accredited certification body, providing assessments (audits) of organizations to various Management System Standards since 1988. NQA is part of NTS, the leading independent provider of environmental simulation testing, inspection and certification services in the USA. NTS serves a broad range of industries, including the civil aviation, space, defense, nuclear, telecommunications, industrial, electronics, medical and automotive markets.

NQA’s worldwide operations are accredited to perform management systems registrations by ANSI – ANAB (American National Standards Institute/Registrar Accreditation Board), UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) and various other regional and industry-specific oversight bodies.