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World Accreditation Day 2019

07 June 2019
Sunday 9th June 2019 sees the globe unite over World Accreditation Day.

The celebration was originated by the well-known International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of accreditation and how it can benefit organizations from all corners of the planet.

This day each year is dedicated to a different theme with 2019 focusing on how accreditation provides added value to supply chains. We know that efficient supply chains are important for delivering products and services in a cost-effective and quality routine. 

Read our blog here to find out more about ISO Certification and the Global Supply Chain.   

Accreditation, encompassing tools such as the management system standards that NQA offer, are designed to help deliver value to the supply chain. Ultimately these tools build trust and confidence in products and services where consumers can see dedication to consistent quality and standards.

Some of the standards that help deliver value to the supply chain include:
  • ISO 45001 - the ISO standard for occupational health & safety management systems

  • ISO 9001 - the ISO standard for quality management systems

  • ISO 14001 - the ISO standard for environmental management and performance

  • ISO 50001 - the ISO standard for energy management

  • ISO 27001 - the standard for information security management

Each year the day is celebrated globally through events, workshops and across all major media chanels, to demonstrate how accreditation and certification can help deliver a safer and more consistent, responsible world and how this can be improved upon moving forward.

If you have any questions about accreditation or certification please get in touch by emailing or calling 0800 052 2424.

For more information please visit the UKAS site here