HACCP/GMP Code of Practice Updated
At NQA we are in the process of adopting the new code of practice when auditing our HACCP/GMP certified clients as well as ISO 22000 & FSSC 22000.
What are the changes?
There are some wording changes to definitions, such as “loss of control” has been replaced with “deviation”.
Update (bolded) to the 7 principles wording:
Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis and identify control measures.
Principle 2: Determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs).
Principle 3: Establish validated critical limits.
Principle 4: Establish a system to monitor control of CCPs.
Principle 5: Establish the corrective actions to be taken when monitoring indicates a deviation from a critical limit at a CCP has occurred.
Principle 6: Validate the HACCP plan and then establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is working as intended.
Principle 7: Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application.
Positive Food Safety Culture has been integrated into the requirements mainly under the section for Management Commitment to Food Safety. It has been increasingly proven that many food safety incidents could be avoided if the food safety culture and leadership commitment is good.
Also, within the industry we still refer to GMP (Good Manufacture Practice) but this should now be referred to as GHP (Good Hygiene Practice). I think the main reason for this is that the code of practice is applicable for all stages of the food chain, not just the manufacturer.
Authored by: Food Certification Manager - Maria Constable