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Meet Our Partners - UM Consultancy Ltd

23 June 2021
This months Meet Our Partner is UM Consultancy Ltd. Umaa Mistry discusses the background behind her successful business and how she can help you make sense of the requirements within popular ISO standards. 

What standards can you help NQA clients with?

About your company

UM Consultancy Ltd was set up in order to help other businesses efficiently achieve the standards they want to improve their company processes.

I have been working within the fields of environmental, quality and health and safety for over 10 years. These roles have ranged from being an auditor, to creating and implementing a management system on site and I have extensive experience of commercial, industrial and manufacturing facilities. Therefore I have a good understanding of both being an auditor as well as being the person on site who creates and implements the system for their company, and the challenges they face.   

UM Consultancy can help you complete your internal audits, undertake a gap analysis audit, and help you understand how to close the gaps identified. I explain the clauses and gaps in a way that is easy to understand and minimises using the terms from the standard itself, which can sometimes feel confusing.  

Why do you like working with NQA?

NQA is a recognised name that people trust. By partnering with NQA I get the opportunity to work alongside a leading organisation that companies have confidence in. It also gives me the opportunity to work with clients who have interesting processes, and meet different people from all backgrounds, who have exciting ideas for the future!

Continual improvement is an important part of a management system, and the ISO standards give companies a method to implement their new ideas in a controlled manner to help make it a success. It feels great to be a part of this!

Top tip for people looking at certification?

The standards lay out exactly what the auditor is looking for. It’s almost like looking at the answer sheet. As long as you have covered the requirements of every clause and take the time to understand them, you have nothing to worry about. There are no trick questions!

You don't have to do this alone, using the resources of a consultant can help you to understand what you need to do and how best to go about achieving it.

What do you find is the most common point of misunderstanding regarding certification or specific standards when visiting clients?

The standards require objectives to be set, and actions taken to enable them to be achieved.

The clause details that objectives must be measurable. This is a gap I regularly see, as companies are not specific enough with their objectives, which in turn makes it difficult to measure. When objectives are not measurable they are harder to achieve as you have no data/evidence to compare them against, and furthermore harder to drive continual improvement.

In the current situation we have all had to adapt to keep going. In the world of ISO consultancy we have adapted to remote auditing to enable business continuity, and help organisations meet their supply-chain demands and requirements. Although it is strange for companies to experience, it is a method that you can have confidence in.

The compliance process does not need to be scary, I am here to help you all the way.

For more information please visit us at:


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* Disclaimer:

NQA does not provide consultancy in order to remain impartial from management systems implementation.

NQA shall not imply that certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if a consultancy listed on the ACR is used.

ACR Consultants shall not imply that NQA certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if their services are used.

NQA remains impartial from our partners on our Associate Consultant Register and does not endorse one partner over another.

‘Our consultants’ do not work for NQA, they work as independent bodies in partnership with us through our Associate Partner Programme. In accordance with the accreditation standard ISO 17021-1:2015 NQA does not provide consultancy in order to remain impartial from management systems implementation.