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Home Resources Blog March 2016

60 Seconds with NQA Assessor Terry Fisher

09 March 2016
Terry Fisher, OHSMS Assessor, explains how to evaluate compliance, the benefits of management systems and why auditing isn’t just another day at the office.

I have been involved in OHS and environment management since the 1990’s in manufacturing, education, automotive supply, engineering manufacturing and logistics.

Audits against:

ISO 9001:2008 & 2015, ISO 14001:2004 & 2015, OHSAS BS 18001 : 2007

Most memorable auditing moment:

Although there are lots of memorable moments, I think looking out over Kielder Water from the observation tower of the dam and thinking 'another day - not in the office'.

The Valve Tower is an incredible feat of engineering; it stands over 50m tall, and the main column was created in a continuous pour process over a 10-day period when the reservoir was constructed. I am privileged to visit such interesting places in my job. 

Most common non-conformance or customer challenge:

Evaluation of compliance is common - owing to misconceptions as to what is required and what the benefits are.

Many clients assume having a register and a procedure is sufficient as a compliance evaluation – the question that needs to be answered is; are the activities and controls delivering the requirements effectively – and if so, how and when was this reviewed?

Greatest benefit of management systems:

They are proven and they work.

The way they are written, they can be achieved without adding un-necessary layers of administration to an organization – the majority of requirements can be achieved by adopting good commercial practice.

Top tips for getting the most from your system:

Make it part of what your organization does, but you will only get out what you put in - the more commitment you put in, generally the greater the benefit.

Favouroite quote:

Our people are potentially our most versatile asset - let's value and protect them, and get the best from them.