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Statement on Brexit for Clients in the Republic of Ireland

21 October 2019
As you are aware, the United Kingdom is due to leave the European Union on the 31st October 2019.

NQA recognises that the process leading up to the UK leaving the European Union is causing business uncertainty. A number of clients and stakeholders have enquired as to the validity of UKAS Accredited Certification within the European Union after the UK leaves the EU.
At this time it is not fully known what the outcome of the negotiation process with the European Union will entail. However, the provision of accredited management system certification to standards published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is, in general, not tied to European Union regulation.
UKAS accredited management system certification (such as that issued by NQA), is recognised globally under the International Accreditation Forum Multi-Lateral Agreement (IAF MLA). Countries which are signatories to the IAF MLA are required to recognise the certificates issued by conformity assessment bodies (such as NQA), accredited by all other signatories of the IAF MLA (such as UKAS), with the appropriate scope. EU member states are signatories to the IAF MLA through their membership of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA). UKAS is a member of the EA. UKAS has made a statement that it will retain its membership of the European cooperation for Accreditation (EA) and will remain a signatory to the EA multi-lateral agreement.
In a no-deal BREXIT scenario, ISO standard certification (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 etc.) issued under UKAS accreditation will remain valid within the Republic of Ireland and European Union. By virtue of UKAS’ membership of the EA and being a signatory to the IAF MLA.
Certification issued to specifically demonstrate compliance with EU Directives/Regulations or EU schemes may not be valid. Within NQA’s client base this primarily affects customers holding EMAS certification.
No-deal BREXIT impacts on organisations receiving specific certification or approval against EU Directives, for example through CE Marking. NQA does not undertake CE Marking activity.
Please contact us if you have any specific concerns or questions.