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ISO 9001 - Planning and Leadership Part 2

02 September 2020
Missed the webinar, don't worry... here's a recording of the live webinar for you to watch in your own time.

To find part 1 of this 2-part webinar click here.

Your business may have drastically changed in the last few months in terms of staffing, product or service, and it is likely that ISO 9001:2015 is not the focus of your strategy, however this is the most important time to use it!

This second part of the webinar discuss in practical terms how the planning and leadership sections of the ISO 9001:2015 can be utilised to help ensure that you are in the best position possible when business resumes (either as normal or a new normal).

Your presenter Judith Hargreaves discusses:

  • Roles and Responsibilities – how do you evidence awareness and communication that shows you have allocated accountability within the system?

  • Dealing with issues within Leadership – none furloughed staff tired and overworked? Honeymoon phase of ‘we are in it together’ now showing strain? People maybe do not want to come off furlough?

  • Will your Leadership style change or is consistency key – what do your staff think?

  • Using the Leadership section of the standard to meet the other 9 sections in 5 easy steps.