Preparing for Stage 2 Audits for Larger Organizations
Please feel free to download the slides here.
If you have been successful at your Stage 1 assessment you have already been assessed for readiness, so remember, the purpose of Stage 1 is to make sure you have the processes in place and a checklist of ISO clauses met.
The objective of your Stage 2 audit is to test these processes and see whether they are effective in achieving what they were implemented to do. This can feel like a daunting task for larger organizatons.
Your presenter, Judith Hargeaves, talks around:
How you can prepare for your assessors arrival
How to prepare staff at all levels and get them invested
What to expect during your audit and questions you may be asked
Value that your audit can add
Communicating requirements to those involved
- Who should be involved and why
If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of the team about getting a quote for certification or booking training please get in touch with us here.
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