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Home Resources Blog March 2020

Remote Auditing with an NQA Auditor

30 March 2020
A light hearted view on why you should continue with your remote audit.

By Randy Pittman

The commute is a bit lighter than normal. There isn’t as many people in the office. My co-workers are constantly asking for juice boxes, snacks and screen time. Wait, what?!?!?!  I am like many others that are working from home adjusting to this new normal. Those days of saying "I WISH I COULD WORK FROM HOME" have actually come true. Although this commute might be a tad too close to home.  

Those long drives home from the airport or stuck on the interstate seemed like torture….or did they????

Careful what you wish for!

Here’s my light hearted look at why you should continue with your audit as a remote audit and ensure that you maintain continuity of your business and your certification.

On a serious note; this is a fantastic opportunity!

We are able to demonstrate that no matter the situation we are achieving, supporting and working WITH our clients. As a company and a team, we are strong in adapting and overcoming for the good of industry, and ensuring that business goes on.

As people, we can take comfort that the directors of our organizations have been forward thinking and reactive, putting staff first to ensure we are safe and reducing risk to our families whilst maintaining continuity across the business.

For more information on remote auditing take a look here.