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Home Resources Legal Updates July 2018

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/775 laying down rules on the provision of food information to consumers

25 July 2018

Mini summary

This Regulation is currently in force and establishes the general principles, requirements and responsibilities governing food information and in particular, food labelling. These Regulations apply to food business operators at all stages of the food chain, where their activities concern providing food information to consumers.


This Regulation lays down rules for the application of Article 26(3) of Regulation 1169/2011 as regards indicating the country of origin or place of provenance of the primary ingredients of a food.

This Regulation sets out how the country of origin or place of provenance of a primary ingredient, which is different from that of the food product it is part of, must be given on the packaging. This includes reference to specified geographical areas or by means of a specified statement.

Requirements regarding the font size and how the reference must appear on the food products packaging is also included. 

For further information please click here.